Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tango, meet my Lace Dress. Lace Dress, meet Tango

Oh, and just to be fair, and let's not leave out [d] Lush, ::mused::, older Lolas, or all the other implants...  got those covered too!

Tango shown.  Hair: Analog Dog "BAM!", A&A.  Boots: BAX Coen.  Skin: LAQ Martina Glow. Poses: Adorkable

Lace Dress and new appliers available at the Wild Style Fashions main store:

Friday, January 25, 2013

Schoolgirl Evolution

I've reinvented the Wild Style Fashions Schoolgirl outfit for 2013!  New shirt, collar, sleeves, tie, socks, and mesh shoes too!
Prim breast clothing appliers set includes Lolas, Tango, Lush, and Universal appliers (sold separately).

SPECIAL OFFER: If you own an older version of the Schoolgirl outfit ("School Daze") purchased before 1/24/13, and purchase the new version during January 2013, I'll refund half the purchase price!  (on appliers too!)

New for 2013:
-> System Shirt updated texture
-> New collar
-> New sleeve attachments
-> New (complete) tie
-> New texture on shirt knot
-> New rip script in skirt (has "sleep" mode to shut it off completely, gives a piece of fabric when you let someone rip off the skirt, and since the skirt is copy+mod, you can delete the script if you don't like it)
-> New socks (two sets - one knee high and the other shorter gym socks to wear with included plaid leg warmers)
-> New shoes (mesh)
A mesh skirt is in the works too, but it will be part of a more "proper" schoolgirl outfit with blazer.
Credits: Skin-LAQ, Hair- Wasabi Pills, Shape-mine, outfit-Wild Style Fashions
(jewelry - MIEL, FUSION)