Friday, January 23, 2009

Zoot! redux

A very nice gentleman came into the store and asked if I could make a jacket to add to the Wild Style Zoot suit. He was kind enough to give me some hints as to what it should look like, which helped a lot. After trying to do everything in the mesh, I tossed the first design out because the lapels were distorting on the chest and the skirt portion just looked lame. It would have to be prims or nothing. It took a couple of days to get the flexi on the lower protion and the curves on the lapels just right, but here he is. Since the competition is selling Zoots at L$700 - L$1000, and this complete set is only L$550, we'll see how long it takes to become the #1 Zoot in SL!!! :)
I'd look into making shoes, but HOC has really good L$10 "Skootchers". How can I compete with that?

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